My faith does not vote – and neither should your religion

Vice President Kamala Harris

A social media post making the rounds addresses “That moment when someone says, ‘I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.’ I simply reply, ‘My faith is not voting for Trump.’”

So, ol’ Uncle Bubba is here to break down the “my faith is not voting for Trump” nonsense:

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve my First Amendment and freedom of speech.

Kamala Harris is a Democrat, the last people who infringe on the First Amendment and freedom of speech. And while we’re at it, when was the last time your First Amendment rights or freedom of speech needed preserving?

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

Harris-Walz and every other sane person in the U.S. wants sensible action to address gun violence. No one is looking to take your papaw’s pew-pew from your cold, dead hands. The take-my-guns rhetoric is absolute b.s. from NRA talking points.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the Supreme Court by adding more conservative justices to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The quiet part out loud: conservative justices. The Supreme Court is supposed to be somewhere other than left or right. But now it’s skewed to the point – thank you, Mitch McConnell … and did I mention thanks again, Mitch – that adding members is the only way to rectify this political powder keg.


My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.

Let me know how much better your retirement is compared to four years ago. Stock market info is easily accessible. Inflation is down because of Biden’s policies; we are leading the world in recovery from the COVID pandemic.

Your real problem is the gouging of the people by corporations making up for lost profits during the pandemic.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts unless essential.

Biden removed our troops from Afghanistan (something the former guy chose not to do), and we have not been in active combat during this administration.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

99.9% of people longing to “preserve the Electoral College” cannot explain what it is or why it’s part of our election process. But yes, please show me another map that pushes red swaths throughout the land and tell me how popular being a Republican is, from sea to shining sea. (Spoiler alert: Land doesn’t vote. People do.)

My faith is in voting against Kamala to preserve the right of the police to be respected once again and to ensure law and order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back on the street.

This is ripe with irony (and dying on the vine with the MAGA crowd). Harris was a prosecutor. Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted rapist and felon. … What you mean is, “I want Black people in jail. Don the Con, he’s free to rape and pillage.” Law enforcement is protected; they exemplify the “good guy with a gun,” correct?

FWIW – and you may want to clutch those pearls even tighter: White folks commit the most violent crimes, according to FBI data.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the continued appointment of federal judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

See: Cannon, Aileen. She epitomizes an activist judge – and we need a helluva lot less of that.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico, and other foreign countries. I stand for USA made.

The Democrats’ record is 50:1 better than the Republicans’ on “Made in the USA.”

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country.

The irony is that flights are now an issue. Wait until you hear about Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.

But yes, there have been flights with immigrants seeking asylum. Yes, that is an extremely broad term for people wanting to enter the country. Maybe we should have stricter immigration laws.

Well, about that …

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve doing away with all the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.

Harris was never in charge of the border or immigration policy. Nor was she overseeing law-enforcement efforts or guiding the federal response to the crisis.

The Republican conference in the Senate did not vote for sweeping immigration reform. Mitch McConnell (yeah, he’s been a villan for a while) backtracked and voted against the package he helped develop! Real world: Trump opposed the border deal to keep immigration a political topic, and the GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve taking care of the military and the veterans who fought for this country to give the American people their freedoms.

It’s ridiculous to think Trump would do more than the current administration for veterans. Biden signed the landmark PACT Act into law, enacting the most significant expansion of benefits and services for toxic-exposed veterans in more than 30 years.

Trump? Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the truth that unborn babies do have a right to live.

As Harris pointed out, women, like men, should have control over their bodies. Outside of that, everyone lives with the consequences of their actions – end of discussion.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the peace progress in the Middle East.

Even Trump admits Netanyahu “never wanted peace” with the Palestinians. Broking a deal is tough when one side is acting in bad faith. Nonetheless, the Biden Administration continues to push for peace.

(And here’s where shit gets off the rails and into the ditch …)

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the fight against human/child trafficking.

Does anyone in their right mind think Harris will fight for trafficking?

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve freedom of religion.

Please cite examples of your freedom of religion being impugned. (And because you’re an evangelical Christian nationalist and being called out for your religious zealotry is not an acceptable reply.)

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.

This is a two-parter. The first was addressed earlier regarding the First Amendment. No one is infringing on your right to speak an opinion. (Note: There are consequences. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Your opinion will most likely be challenged since people have the right to speak their opinion – and not everyone agrees with you.)

Secondly, “the return of teaching math, history, and science” is laughable. All are still taught – and if you had paid attention in history and science classes, you may have learned a few things regarding children and pronouns.

My faith is not just voting against Kamala or for Trump. I am voting to preserve a Godly Nation for my descendants. I’m voting for the future of God’s original design for this Nation by His Covenant ratified by the Blood of Yeshua.

For the folks in the back who have a hard time hearing: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION. Again, if you’d paid attention in history class, we had a skirmish with Mother England over, in part, religious nationalism.

Now, back to the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. … Funny how the first of the five rights guaranteed in A1 of the U.S. Constitution is overlooked by those who champion “freedom of speech” when it suits their narrative.

And here’s the kicker:

According to the 2020 U.S. Census, there are 372 faith groups in the U.S., including more than 370 religious bodies and over 350,000 congregations. The census also includes data on specific religious bodies, such as the Amish, Buddhist, Hindu groups, and Orthodox and non-denominational Christian churches.

70% of adults raised Christian but are now unaffiliated are Democrats or Dem-leaning independents, compared with 43% of those who remained Christian and 51% of U.S. adults overall.

My faith is in voting against Kamala to preserve my children’s and my grandchildren’s freedoms and future.

Trump has made it clear that he likes dictators. He even boasted of being a dictator on Day 1 (and presumably only on Day 1, if re-elected). On the other hand, I don’t think Vladdy Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, etc., will be writing “love letters” to Harris.

Meanwhile, if you’re worried about the future, the Project 2025 horror story is great bedtime reading.

My faith is voting against Kamala to preserve the right for parents to have and exercise their authority over their children in gender decisions.

Much like abortion, the right’s position is “Our way or the highway.” Barring parents from making those decisions violates their parental rights. Neither you nor I get a say in how someone raises their child. Any other way steps on the fundamental rights to make decisions for their children.

How will your faith vote?

Disinformation is real. Nefarious folks are working to influence you, whether you think you’re above the fray or too bright to be influenced by anything on social media. Understand that they prey on your prayers.

My faith does not vote – and neither should your religion.